Sunday, January 31, 2010

Manhunt in Space

This is a good episode, with one of my favorite inventions: the bean-bag pants. A great idea from the Mads! Those pants are actually a pretty awesome, I would totally get some. The other gem of this episode is the skit where Mike Nelson plays Winky- trust me, it is worth it. The riffing for the movie is solid, with strange side-kick Winky and equally strange young Bobby as fodder for the bots and Joel. The short, a segment from General Hospital, is pretty fantastic too. Enjoy!

General Hospital

Crow: “Ew, here comes Nurseferatu!”

Joel: “Here are some more letters about how unfeeling you are, Doctor”

Tom: “Nothing an expensive operation can’t complicate!”

Patient: “Doctor, I have never heard if a hiatus hernia before” Crow: “Are you calling me a liar?! Get out! GET OUT!”

Tom: “Well, the body sees a hernia as a series of ones and zeroes”

Crow: “Here, let me punch you in the sternum to simulate pain”

Manhunt in Space

Tom: “Hey look, it’s the MST3K logo!” Joel: “Shh! They’re not supposed to know about that” Tom: “Oh! *whistles innocently*”

Bob: “Something has neutralized every bit of our equipment” Crow: “Even my acting!”

Cadet: “Report from Cassa-7, sir” Secretary: “Well, let’s have it” Tom: “It says: HEEEEEELLLLP!”

Rocky: “Professor Newton,” Joel (as Rocky): “How are the fig cookies coming along?”

Tom: “Hang on a minute, gotta put my head in a salad spinner”

Rocky: “Haha, good work, Bobby. Oh, Winky?” Winky: “Yes, boss?” Crow (as Rocky): “Jettison Bobby!”

Bobby: “Aw, why do I have to miss all the excitement?” Crow: “Because we don’t like you and you are a bad person”

Tom: “And hey, did you get a load of those really cheap props made to look like bona-fide space equipment?” (Joel and Crow look around at SOL set) “Hehehe…yeah”

Winky: “Ah, it’s this air! Like Paris in spring” Tom (as Rocky): “But Paris was destroyed in the apocalypse, Winky”

Crow: “She’s wearing a triple Menorah on her head! Hanukkah, Hanukkah, Hanukkah!”

Crow: “She’s angry when she’s beautiful”

Evil Guy: “You have something good in that secret to invisibility you have, Rocky” Crow: “Ralph Ellison wants you”

Crow: “You let a guy named Winky fool you?!?!”

The skit with Mike Nelson as Winky is PRICELESS! My favorite part: Mike: “Yeah, uh, Clarissa, why don’t you start the hot oils warming up, and I will be right up, okay!” Tom: “Wha- Oh my, Winky, that’s your MOTHER!”

(Winky is singing Bobby to sleep) Joel: “That kid is going to have the darkest dreams he’s ever had”

Joel: “Why is that ladder going sideways?” Tom: “Cause it’s SPACE, get it?”

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