Sunday, January 31, 2010

Manhunt in Space

This is a good episode, with one of my favorite inventions: the bean-bag pants. A great idea from the Mads! Those pants are actually a pretty awesome, I would totally get some. The other gem of this episode is the skit where Mike Nelson plays Winky- trust me, it is worth it. The riffing for the movie is solid, with strange side-kick Winky and equally strange young Bobby as fodder for the bots and Joel. The short, a segment from General Hospital, is pretty fantastic too. Enjoy!

General Hospital

Crow: “Ew, here comes Nurseferatu!”

Joel: “Here are some more letters about how unfeeling you are, Doctor”

Tom: “Nothing an expensive operation can’t complicate!”

Patient: “Doctor, I have never heard if a hiatus hernia before” Crow: “Are you calling me a liar?! Get out! GET OUT!”

Tom: “Well, the body sees a hernia as a series of ones and zeroes”

Crow: “Here, let me punch you in the sternum to simulate pain”

Manhunt in Space

Tom: “Hey look, it’s the MST3K logo!” Joel: “Shh! They’re not supposed to know about that” Tom: “Oh! *whistles innocently*”

Bob: “Something has neutralized every bit of our equipment” Crow: “Even my acting!”

Cadet: “Report from Cassa-7, sir” Secretary: “Well, let’s have it” Tom: “It says: HEEEEEELLLLP!”

Rocky: “Professor Newton,” Joel (as Rocky): “How are the fig cookies coming along?”

Tom: “Hang on a minute, gotta put my head in a salad spinner”

Rocky: “Haha, good work, Bobby. Oh, Winky?” Winky: “Yes, boss?” Crow (as Rocky): “Jettison Bobby!”

Bobby: “Aw, why do I have to miss all the excitement?” Crow: “Because we don’t like you and you are a bad person”

Tom: “And hey, did you get a load of those really cheap props made to look like bona-fide space equipment?” (Joel and Crow look around at SOL set) “Hehehe…yeah”

Winky: “Ah, it’s this air! Like Paris in spring” Tom (as Rocky): “But Paris was destroyed in the apocalypse, Winky”

Crow: “She’s wearing a triple Menorah on her head! Hanukkah, Hanukkah, Hanukkah!”

Crow: “She’s angry when she’s beautiful”

Evil Guy: “You have something good in that secret to invisibility you have, Rocky” Crow: “Ralph Ellison wants you”

Crow: “You let a guy named Winky fool you?!?!”

The skit with Mike Nelson as Winky is PRICELESS! My favorite part: Mike: “Yeah, uh, Clarissa, why don’t you start the hot oils warming up, and I will be right up, okay!” Tom: “Wha- Oh my, Winky, that’s your MOTHER!”

(Winky is singing Bobby to sleep) Joel: “That kid is going to have the darkest dreams he’s ever had”

Joel: “Why is that ladder going sideways?” Tom: “Cause it’s SPACE, get it?”

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Warrior of the Lost World

Been a while, but starting out with a fantastic Joel episode. Very very good. Here are some amazing quotes. Starring Jimmy Carter!! =)

“And Claude Monet directed this picture”

“You know, it’s not so much the apocalypse, it’s the humidity”

“The motorcycle is close-captioned for the hearing impaired!”

Computer: “Bad Mothers! Bad Mothers!” Joel: “And the bad fathers who love them, today on Donahue” Tom: “How does the computer know they had bad mothers?”

Joel: “Oh come on, you’d think in the future they’d have better graphics than Pong”

Tom: “Life’s easy without the Miranda, eh Sarge?”

Crow: “Gee, Ohio looks great after the apocalypse”

Crow: “If that’s God, I’m quitting”

Tom: “I always pictured heaven to be like Ellis Island” Crow: “There was a big rush after the apocalypse, but now things have died down”

Crow: “Okay, somebody put down the Styrofoam”

Crow: “Wednesday is Nazi night, Germans drink free”

Crow: “More ineffective authoritarians on the way!”

Jimmy Carter: Missing in Action, The Enforcer

Joel: “Chitty Chitty Kill Kill!”

Tom: “Tonight’s TV lineup, we have Black Nazis, White Ninjas, and Beige Berets”

Tom: “Megaweapon died tragically today. Investigators still have no clues about the mysterious explosion that took the life of the beloved Megaweapon. His widow has asked that donations be sent to the Department of Transportation”

Tom: “You know, if you’re gonna pay to see the apocalypse, you should take the helicopter tour- you see it all!”

“This better not be another large talking computer”

“It’s hard to know where his lips end and his cheeks begin”

The skits were not quite as strong for this episode as some of the others, but the riffing of the movie is fantastic and well worth seeing.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holiday Delay

Well, it has been a while, but I really needed a break. Got many more episodes to watch, so I will update again soon, but not tonight...