Monday, December 7, 2009

Night of the Blood Beast

A pretty damn good episode- though not enough to be added to my favorite list. Solid riffs, watchable movie plotline. Here are some highlights, imho:

“I couldn’t bring the Jaws of Life, so I brought Cindy”

“This is back when NASA was family owned and operated”

“Steve?” “Not everyone is Steve!”

“Steve 1, you go that way, Steve 2, you come with me”

“This has Steve written all over it”
“Wait, let me go get the costumes. You guys be the Yankees and we’ll be the Nazis”
“That guy, right there, that one time zygote that manifested itself into the something I call my son…Oh Art, what happened?”
“Julie, he alone stood at the threshold of our future”..“And he peed it down his leg”
“Wow, he’s loaded with shrimp!”…”You know, I think I get hush puppies & cole slaw with these”
“So, Julie, guess he wasn’t getting enough at home, huh?”
“Boy, imagine how much lower we’d be if we were down there”
“Oh baby, I was misnamed, I am really the Looove-Beast”
“Hey! It’s one of those guns that goes BANG!”
“Hard to trust a guy not named Steve”

A good episode for the newer MST3K fan- before you tackle bigger fish like Manos or some of the more obscure episodes. Some episodes need to be eased into in order to fully enjoy. Here are a few good starter episodes to help convert a few friends:

Prince of Space
Space Mutiny
Hercules Against the Moon Men (<3)

I am sure there are more, but these immediately come to mind. I should sit down and make a more comprehensive list, but that is for another time...

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